



1. 礼拜每周3次,是所有学生的必修课. 所有学生都可以参加 每学期12次. 这些跳票可以用于任何个人原因, 包括医生预约, 休息, 研究, 旅行, 等. Contrary to popular myth, second semester seniors are not automatically dismissed from all chapels.

2. 礼拜堂上午10:30开始,11点20分结束. 上午10:30关门, so please get to the gym and have your ID card scanned before 10:30 am to ensure you receive 教堂 credit. Late students after 10:30 am are still scanned (for security purposes) but will not receive credit. If you have extenuating circumstances, please reach out to pastorsoffice@budget-app.com.

3. 为了获得教堂信用, you must have your ID card scanned by one of the 教堂 Greeters at the doors of the gym as you enter 教堂 before 10:30 am.

4. 如果你在允许之前离开查普尔, 你就会被刷掉,不会得到教堂的学分. 

5. 沟通是关键. Don't wait until the end of the semester to raise concerns about any of your chapel attendance questions or issues. 沟通. 我们会和你合作的.


1. 所有学生都必须参加礼拜堂吗?

简单地说,“是的!“如果你是一名在校学生, 不管你是哪个年级的, 参加礼拜堂是必须的. 

2. 我如何入住查普尔?

每个学生每学期最多有12次请假. You can use and manage those for any reason (sleep, 研究, 旅行, illness, appointments, 等.),不需要任何沟通来使用你的逃课借口. 

3. 我如何入住查普尔?

Just like you use your student ID card to scan into your residence hall and the Dining Commons, 我们的教堂考勤系统现在可以用你的身份证刷卡.

4. 我如何检查我的教堂出席情况?

To keep track of your attendance and manage your excused absences: If you have an iPhone and the Westmont College app, 只要去“检查教堂出席率”页面. Android用户和所有学生, 你可以通过我们网站上的教堂出席链接访问, 或者你可以检查 在这里. 请确保在输入你的学生号时,你在前面包含了零.

5. What if I am enrolled for an internship class this semester and my internship is during 教堂? What if I have special circumstances that will make it difficult for me to attend 教堂?

请填一下这个 主动上诉Form 通知校园牧师办公室. You must be enrolled in an internship/pr行为icum class in order to have this excusal. Depending upon your class year and how often your internship causes you to miss 教堂, 允许你缺勤的次数将会调整. 你会和校园牧师办公室解决这个问题.

6. 我已经重温了我的想念,我该怎么办呢?

填一下这个 C上诉表格 (after the f行为) with your reasoning for going over your misses and your extenuating circumstance, 如果有的话. *申诉截止时间为每学期最后一天的下午5点. 提前沟通比事后沟通要好得多. 

7. 我有一个情有可原的情况. 我该怎么办?? 

We work with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) to ensure that all students with extenuating circumstances (medical emergencies, 精神健康危机, 残疾的人, 在特殊情况下很难去教堂, 等.)得到了ODS团队和校园牧师办公室的帮助. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please cont行为 pastorsoffice@westmont.Edu安排一个约会. If requesting accommodations for the first time and you are not currently registered with ODS, 请遵循这些 程序. 我们和混乱办合作制定计划. 

8. What happens if I have too many unexcused absences, once all appeal processes are complete?

我们的 教堂的地位 政策和程序可在我们的 网站

9. 什么是选择性教堂? 他们如何适用于我的教堂出席? 

Elective chapels are special sessions that are created around specific topics or groups. They are not mandatory, but for each elective chapel you attend, it reduces a skipped chapel. 

 同时鼓励学生参加每个教堂, 每个学生每学期有12次缺席礼拜堂. Students who have gone over their 12 misses will need to fill out this appeal form 有理由跳过允许的跳过.

Students who exceed 12 unexcused absences in any given semester may jeopardize their future involvement in student leadership positions or enrollment at Westmont, 取决于他们的地位. All students who exceed 12 unexcused absences will be required to meet with the Campus Pastor (and/or designee) to discuss their situation. Students with extenuating circumstances may submit an appeal describing their circumstances, in lieu of a meeting; however the Campus Pastor may still choose to require a meeting following an appeal being submitted. 在与校园牧师会面后, students will be assigned (at the sole discretion of the Campus Pastor) to one of the following 状态 for the following semester:  

好: 良好的参与

警告: Student is warned that failure to sufficiently attend chapel would result in further 行为ion which could include a semester suspension from the college

试用期: Student is advised that failure to sufficiently attend chapel would likely result in a semester suspension from the college

悬架: 不能去威斯蒙特了

如果你错过了很多教堂, 或者有其他教堂行为问题, 你可能会被直接安排到 缓刑 状态. Students who do not meet with either the Campus Pastor or Dean of Students to resolve their misses may be suspended from Westmont for the following semester. 


你必须完全出席并参与才能获得教堂的学分. 研究, 阅读, 玩手机, 听音乐, 戴着耳机或耳机, 离开健身房, 接电话, and talking to others during 教堂 will disqualify you from receiving 教堂 credit.


  • 严重的身体状况暂时影响了教堂的出席, 例如住院治疗和/或到学生家里休养. Condition must be verified in writing by an attending physician or by an email to our office from the campus physician;
  • 其他情有可原的情况,如家庭紧急情况. 学生需要提交一份申诉,才能获得赦免, 以及支持文档, 在错过教堂的两周内到校园牧师办公室;
  • Quarantining in room or off campus for health reasons or COVID (students can watch online and submit a paragraph about the service to pastorsoffice@budget-app.com);
  • 有子女的学生;
  • 在校外进行学术实地考察的学生. 请注意:如果教授没有通知我们,你将不会被清除;
  • 陪审员的义务
  • Students cleared by the education department to fulfill student teaching or observation assignments. Please note: You will not be cleared if the department has not given us prior notification;
  • Students participating in internships that are approved by a professor and the Internship Office. 请注意:在学生填写之前,您将不会被清除, 连同批准的教员一起, 实习表格可以在我们的网站上找到.
  • 运动员,参加校际运动队的客场比赛. 请注意:如果部门没有通知我们,你将不会被清除. 外出练习是不能原谅的.

注意:工作冲突, 医疗/牙科/物理治疗预约, and illnesses such as colds and the flu do not qualify as excused absences and are to be considered as part of students allowable 12 教堂 misses.


如果你已经查过了教堂的12次失误,请填一下这个 出席礼拜堂上诉表格.

If you have an internship or pr行为icum that interferes with chapel, please fill out this 主动教堂上诉表格